Kim Se-hyun, an undergraduate student at Incheon National University's Ethics Education Department, publishes a thesis in a KCI-listed academic journal

홍보팀 (032-835-9490)

인천대 윤리교육과 김세현 학생 사진

Kim Se-hyun, a student at the Department of Ethics Education at the National Incheon National University (President Park Jong-tae), published his thesis in "Ethics Research" (Korean Ethics Association), a journal registered by KCI (Korea Citation Index) as the sole author.

The title of the thesis is "An ancient Greek meaning of 'discussion': The ethical implications of 'exchanging words with others' in Heidegger's Logos interpretation," reflecting on the ancient philosophical problem consciousness of 'logos' such as 'discussion' and 'conversation'. Based on the interpretation of ancient Greek philosophy conducted by German philosopher M. Heidegger (1889-1976), the concept of 'logos' in ancient thinking was newly reconstructed, and at the same time, an expansive understanding was explored, and the fundamental meaning of 'logos' in Greek corresponding to the discourse of the Korean language was analyzed. In addition, the ethical implications of 'exchanging words with others' were presented based on the fact that the issue of coexistence with others is in contact with the philosophical essence of discourse for the pursuit of truth.

Kim Se-hyun, a third-year student at Incheon National University's College of Education's Ethical Education Department, became interested in modern and contemporary German philosophy and ancient Greek philosophy when he was a freshman in first grade after encountering Heidegger's work "Existence and Time" and Plato's "Conversations." He needed minimal Greek and German reading skills to understand ancient Greek philosophy and Heidegger's thoughts, so he taught himself Greek and German and developed his ability to write papers on this topic. 

Until Kim Se-hyun's thesis came out, the professor of ethics education's warm interest and guidance stood out. With the careful consideration and help of Professor Lee Sang-won, a Heidegger and Plato major, he was able to learn the correct Heidegger reading and new reading methods of ancient philosophy, and Professor Yoon Young-don (head of the library) also provided ancient Greek literature and materials that were difficult for undergraduate students to access. 

Kim Se-hyun, a student at the College of Education, is currently developing her dream of becoming a secondary school teacher while preparing for the appointment exam. On the other hand, she is also developing her competence as a philosopher.  

Even if it is a little slow, he wants to continue his philosophy studies and identify the connection between 'being', 'truth', and 'words' and its ethical implications, focusing on Plato, Aristotle, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Levinas, and Habermas.
